Angel's Pet World Recognized For Inclusion
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. With an over 80% unemployment rate experienced by people with disabilities, this month we want to highlight partners behind Finley's Mission making a difference in their community.
Angel's Pet World in Hudson, WI was recognized by the State of Wisconsin for their commitment to making inclusion a priority. The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) recognized Angel’s Pet World in Hudson, WI as an exemplary employer for its diverse and inclusive hiring practices that welcome individuals with disabilities into the workplace. This is a huge honor going to only one small business and one larger business in the state each year.
As a Finley's retailer, and supporter of our mission, we're proud to partner with them to create jobs, purpose, and stronger community through people and their pets. What makes our partnership special is Angel's commitment to Karen (pictured) as a Finley's Ambassador, and employing her in their store to support customers and pursue her passion for animals. This wrap-around employment model has helped Karen grow personally, professionally, and build her confidence and independence.